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[해외]삼성 갤럭시 Tab E 9.6" 16GB Android 5.1.1 Lollipop (WiFi) (Certified Refurbished)
[해외]삼성 갤럭시 Tab E 9.6" 16GB Android 5.1.1 Lollipop (WiFi) (Certified Refurbished) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Samsung
상품코드 n1538192959357
판매가격 228,000
적립금 0원
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- 국제배송~배송완료 중 반품 시 현지반품비용+EMS비용+국내 택배회수비가 발생됩니다.

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- 단순변심에 의한 교환/반품의 경우 고객님 부담으로 교환/반품이 진행됩니다.(단, 상품이 개봉되었거나, 파손되었을 경우 반품 불가함)

- 오배송/불량/파손의 경우 구매후 1개월이내 환불/교환 가능합니다. (증빙자료 있을 시)
- 가전제품의 경우 해외배송상품은 110V 전압 상품입니다. 상품수령후 반드시 사용전압 확인후 변압기 등을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.(전압 미확인에 따른 파손은 보상되지 않습니다)

- 주문이 완료되었더라도 간혹 해외 판매처의 품절 또는 가격인상 등으로 인해 구매가 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 경우 고객의사에 따라 별도의 환불안내를 드립니다.


상품 정보

단위환산기 수치를 입력하시면 자동환산됩니다. 사이즈 확인 시 참고하세요.
inch = cm
lb = kg
삼성 갤럭시 Tab E 9.6" 16GB Android 5.1.1 Lollipop (WiFi) (Certified Refurbished)



Product Description

The 5,000mAh battery keeps you powered up to watch, read and game at home or on the go. And with Ultra Power Saving Mode, you can make the battery last even longer by restricting usage to only essential applications and those selected by you. With its comfortable profile and grip, the Galaxy Tab E 9.6" was made to go wherever you go. And its clear, bright screen lets everyone enjoy more of what they love, from watching a movie with the family at home to reading a best seller at the coffee shop. Make shareable moments great with the Galaxy Tab E's advanced camera features. Catch everything in each photo with Panorama and Continuous Shot modes. Video chat from anywhere. And quickly toggle between camera and video modes. With the Galaxy Tab E 9.6", you won't miss a thing. Kids Mode, available for free from Samsung Galaxy Essentials, gives parents peace of mind while providing a colorful, engaging place for kids to play. Easily manage what your kids access and how long they spend using it, all while keeping your own documents private. Customize your Galaxy Tab E 9.6" with the apps you use most. The Samsung Galaxy Essentials widget provides a collection of premium, complimentary apps optimized for your tablet screen. Select and download the apps you want to upgrade your tablet experience. get the most out of your Galaxy Tab E 9.6" with the Samsung app. Along with one-touch access to customer support, you'll discover device tips, a library of resources and more. Plus you'll have access to music and exclusive content. Samsung makes life with a tablet even better.


This Certified Refurbished product is tested and certified to look and work like new. The refurbishing process includes functionality testing, basic cleaning, inspection, and repackaging. The product ships with all relevant accessories, a minimum 90-day warranty, and may arrive in a generic box. Only select sellers who maintain a high performance bar may offer Certified Refurbished products on Amazon.com
Quad 1.3 GHz, Island Processor
1.5GB RAM - 16GB ROM
9.6" HD Display (1280x720) - Dual Webcam
Android 5.1.1 Lollipop OS
Brand : Samsung
Item model num : T560NZKUXAR
MPN(PartNumber) : SM-T560NZKUXAR
EAN : 0617561014645
Product Dimensions(LxWxH) : 25x15x1cm ; 816 g
Package Dimensions(LxWxH) : 26x19x5cm ; 816 g
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